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Group Day, 2023

A huge congratulations to our Renwick students who have worked extremely hard to make it to Group Day.  The animal care and training that has occurred prior to this day requires a high degree of dedication and other skills which our students demonstrated so well. Also a well done for the creativity shown in our craft section. Once again, Renwick won the shield for most points overall. This reinforces the high calibre of animal handling skills and creativity/crafts skills of our Renwick...

October 25, 2023

Pets Day 2023

What a stunning day we have had at Renwick School today as we welcomed our students to enter some incredible art-based activities and their pets for Pets Day.A huge thank you to FORs committee, our sponsors of the last 5 years, On Site Mechanical Repairs, judges, parents and ex-students who come to help with setting up, and staff and students.Well done to all the students who entered and to the many prize winners.Trophy Winners:Champion Lamb - Annabel StraightChampion Rabbit - Ashleigh GreenCham...

October 18, 2023

Skoda National Schools Mountain Bike Championship

Three of our very talented mountain bikers, Brooke G, Rory W and Olly G competing in the Cross Country relay at the Skoda National Schools Mountain bike championships.  Teams from schools all over NZ gathered in Blenheim over the last week of the school holidays to compete.The cross country relay consisted of a 4km lap that each of the three team mates had to do, one at a time.  The team did exceptionally well ending up second in the U16 mixed team.  One very proud principal....

October 4, 2023

Orienteering for full primary schools of Marlborough

Approximately 300 students came together to plan and participate in a 2 hour orienteering event organised and supported by Marlborough Orienteering club.The flight plans were discussed and completed, then it was time to send the students off.  Two hours later the students finished eager to hear of the points earned.  A big congratulations to five teams who found every check point totalling 1230.  See some of students out on the course and then back at the completion of the time.We...

September 19, 2023

Music Festival 2023

Oh wow what a night of incredible entertainment from this amazing group of students.  Renwick School was joined by Rapaura, Grovetown, Ward, and Fairhall students who spoilt a large audience a mixture of fun, dance, and songs with catchy tunes.  The audience automatically started to join in with the singing and clapping to the beat.Well done to you all and to our amazing Ainsley Bell and Rachael Kenyon for your incredible support and expertise in this area.Another fantastic display of ...

September 14, 2023

Inter-school ski competition

Thursday 13 September a small group of keen skiers escaped to the slopes of Rainbow to compete against other students of the area.  The photos highlight the beautiful conditions and the skill required to navigate their way through the gates.A big thanks to the parents who supported the day.  Parent commented, "everyone in the team gave it 100%, had great give it a go attitudes and were fantastic representatives of our school."That's what Renwick School is all about.  Well done to ...

September 14, 2023

Girls on Bikes

We have a group of girls who are keen to ride during their lunchtime.  The smiles and energy they brought to the day was such a delight.  The group quickly gained confidence as we ventured around Renwick.  Thanks girls for joining me, see you again soon....

September 8, 2023

Science Fair 2023

We were treated to an array of informative information that covered a large number of different topics and wonderings by a number of students.Our students from Y3-8 individually and/or in a group carried out a Scientific investigation about an area of choice, and then presented this to the judges from Science Fair and MGC judges.    It was great to see a number of parents were able to come and view the different learning.From this we have some students representing Renwick School at th...

September 7, 2023

Winter tournament - Nelson 24 & 25 August, 2023

What a great feeling it was being able to send off car loads of energised students to Nelson for two days of sports.  We had approximately 90 students representing Renwick School and Te På Wånanga playing a variety of sport; football, hockey, table tennis, netball, basketball, volleyball and badminton.  They played other students from other Y7/8 schools from Nelson and Blenheim.The staff were very proud of all students and the way they gave all to be the best they could be playing fo...

August 26, 2023

Stars on Stage - 2023

What fantastic display of talent and skill we were privileged to on Friday evening.  The night's entertainment was that of a level beyond comprehension as we saw dancing, singing, jokes being told, poems, tap dancing, piano player and more.  I totally respect the time and effort all of the entries dedicated to this event which enabled Renwick community to be part of an event that matched that of Hollywood.Thank you to all involved particularly Ainsley B and Racheal K (organisers), Chel...

August 21, 2023

Pakahukahu new learning space opening

On Friday 18 August we welcome Ngati Apa ki te rå to to our school to bless our new learning space.The Pakahukahu classrooms have been enhanced with new autex, insulation in the ceiling and a new deck with an archgola. The outdoor learning space will extend as part of the classroom and allow whanautanga, working together, in a covered outdoor area. We thank our iwi partners, Aaron Hemi, Darren King and Rowena Smith for blessing and supporting our opening.Ka pai to our tamariki, in particul...

August 21, 2023

Y7/8 Hockey game - Marlborough Turf

Lanah, my granddaughter and I, were very spoilt to see such a great game of hockey played by our Y7/8 team.  The game was predominately played in Renwick's half where we were saw astute purposeful passing, support from all players and five goals scored against their opposition.  Well done to all the team and to their dedicated coach Andrew N and manager Sara S.Lanah even got in in the photo, ensuring the team were all there to receive the  recognition they certainly deserved.From ...

July 26, 2023

Congratulations Alexis

A huge congratulations to Alexis who completed a number of surveys and activities about Sustainability.  Because she had completed the work, she was able to enter a competition.  The winning prize was an i-Pad.  Alexis is now the owner of a brand new i-Pad.  Alexis holds her new i-Pad and her poster. Congratulations and well done for completing all of your activities....

July 25, 2023

School Disco - Jungle theme

On Friday evening we were once again totally blown away with the extent of the talents our FORs parent group had given to making and then decorating the school hall for our disco.  The artistic and creative ability of the FORs team continues to amaze us.  The children equalled the standard with the majority of them dressing up to match the Jungle theme.Thank you so much from us all at Renwick School....

July 24, 2023

Menz Shed and FORs support the school with new benches

A huge thank you to the Renwick Menz Shed for building and designing new benches, painted to represent our four house colours.  The initiative was supported and organised by our FORs group.  What a great way to add colour and extra seating to our school.The house leaders caught up with the gentleman and passed on their thanks.  We really appreciate the partnership we have with the Menz Shed.  Each Friday the group works with some 5 year olds which has been a tradition for man...

July 21, 2023

Renwick School Big Day Out

Friday 23 June was the day that was initially a way in the future as the 23 Y7/8 students trained for their big day out, twice a week for an hour from 7.45am to 8.45am in the morning before school.The day finally arrived and wow what a group of absolute determined, focused and supportive students as they navigated their way around Renwick community, covering just over 17 kms.  The group were challenged by carrying logs, stretchers, navigation, supporting the team to ensure they were thinkin...

June 25, 2023

Mountain bike club gifts time to bike tracks.

On Friday 23 June the mountain bike club group travelled to give back to Marlborough Mountain bike club.  Fraser and parents supported us with grubbers and picks to help widen the bike tracks to ensure safer riding for the people of Marlborough.The students were fully focussed and committed to supporting, a true sign of how they showed respect to the Club for allowing us to ride and grow our expertise so close to school and the Blenheim township.I was once again very proud to see them give ...

June 25, 2023

Mountain biking fun

Friday afternoons out biking with a great group of enthusiastic cyclist is such a treat and privilege to end the week with.  The success of the group is largely due to the supportive parent group; Fraser and Ange Brown, Lucy Walter, Emily May, Anthony Bowron, and others.  To see the more able grow in confidence is great but to see students who haven't ever been to Wither Hills bike park attempt burms and corners for the first time is the best.  Thanks to the great group of parents...

June 19, 2023

Y7/8 football

Friday 16 June teams represented Renwick at inter school Y7/8 football tournament.  The teams demonstrated great skill and worked well together.Thanks to the parents and Mr Rowton....

June 16, 2023

Masks and more - Maia whanau

What a fantastic display of learning the staff and parents were treated too as Maia whanau shared the masks they had made that aligned to a festival they had been learning about.  It was so nice to see the students so proud and knowledgable with new learning they had chosen to pursue.Well done to all the students....

June 16, 2023

Table Tennis at Renwick School

Whilst visiting the table tennis session, I came across Peggy and Jack having a play-off.  The competition was fairly equal as the audience cheered the two on. The students certainly enjoyed the support of learning a new sport and a big thanks to the crew from Marlborough Table tennis club.All Y5-8 students had the opportunity to have a go at Table Tennis....

May 25, 2023

Phineas has his hair cut for the Cancer Society

Phineas has been growing his hair for some time and today was the day he had it cut off.  His hair is going to be used in a wig for cancer patients. He has raised approximately $1500 on his Give A Little page, which will also be gifted to Cancer Society. Well done Phineas we are very proud of you....

May 4, 2023

Term 2, 2023 - welcome back

Welcome back to you all and to the new families to our school.  A school is complete when we have the children join us with their smiles and stories from the holiday break.This morning I saw one of our young leaders, Aidan, helping Pete, our caretaker, raking up the multitude of the fallen leaves.  What a true representation of the collaboration and support staff and students share with one another.  ...

April 26, 2023

Powhiri at Waikawa Marae with Te På Wånanga

I was fortunate today to join the tamariki, kaiako, Kaiawhinia and Whanau of Te På Wånanga as we were powhiried on to Waikawa Marae.  The tamariki stayed on for a day of exploring the beach side and the sea life before they prepared for their nights stay.The photos are the tamariki and kaiako sorting out the day's plans in the wharekai of the Marae.Thank you Waikawa for hosting us....

April 5, 2023

Renwick Challenge Programme

As we come to the end of Term 1, this also means we have completed one third of our Renwick Challenge programme.  The enthusiasm and dedication the group has shown is a true representation of the students of Renwick School.The group continues next term, growing fitness and leadership.  The programme will come  to an end at the end of term 2.  The group will finish with a full day participating in a Big Day Out where the students will participate in a number of different activ...

March 31, 2023 Posts 26-50 of 88 | Page prev next

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