Welcome to Renwick School
Our school's teaching and learning environment is based on mutual respect and is underpinned by our three school values: Be respectful, Be resilient and Be resourceful. We endeavour to instil in our students self respect, a sense of fun and the ambition to succeed in the academic, sporting and cultural arenas.
The staff and board are proactive in continuing to build Renwick's excellent reputation in providing a quality education in a quality environment for all our students.
Michelle Spencer
Tumuaki / Principal

Tumuaki / Principal's Blog
Please click here to read the lastest from our Tumuaki / Principal Michelle Spencer.
We are now using HERO to keep our parents updated with newsletters, urgent and class notices.
We will also be reporting on Student learning on here going forward.
You can also use HERO to:
Advise us of absentees
Pay money owing to the school
It's easy to download the HERO Linc-ed app on your phone.

Parents are expected to keep us informed of any changes to information given at the time of enrolment e.g. address, name, phone numbers, family circumstances, custodial arrangements, child's medical developments, occupations, emergency contact numbers etc. An emergency contact is very important to us. In the event of accident or illness, or for any other reason we cannot contact parents, we need to be able to contact someone else (the Emergency contact). It is essential for the Emergency contact to be able to be contacted by phone and that they live locally, so please consider carefully your nominated Emergency Contact. If need be, please provide more than one option for us.
We need this information to be current in order to operate efficiently and safely.